The Do's And Don's in Talking with Women

Author Jordan Alexo From I Am A Sexy Motherfucker-Learn the fine art of attracting women easily and naturally 6 years ago 7913

I am going to mention a few topics you should initially avoid talking with women. Because often they may lead to a negative outcome.

Don’t talk about politics and religion. Both are very controversial topics. Instead leave these topics for later, probably when you are planning to move in together or something similar.

Don’t brag. Nobody cares about how much money you have in your bank account, or whatever.

In case, you don’t like your work then don’t mention it. Of course, if you go on a date or even after, women will often be curious and ask. Just give them a brief explanation and move on.

Otherwise, if it is something you are passionate about then that is different. You will feel excited to talk about your work and women find that attractive.

Don’t flatter women. If you are constantly giving women superfluous compliments then that is called flattering. This commonly works against you. The reason is women will see you as being insincere. However, giving women genuine compliments is a completely different story. This can actually increase their attraction levels for you.

Here are a few rules to give a good compliment:

-Don’t do it about something you may think a woman is constantly hearing about. For instance, if she is beautiful then probably everyone else is always telling her.

So complimenting her on her physical looks most likely won't have much impact. At least initially; if you are her boyfriend then that is different. Every woman loves to hear from their boyfriend that she is beautiful. Instead choose something you find intellectually appealing about her. on the contrary, if a woman is about average looking a remark about her appearance may work wonders. Because she commonly doesn’t hear it as often.

Anyway, always do it with the right intentions in mind. By this I mean, don’t expect any thing in return.

- Don’t talk about your ex-girlfriend. Nobody cares!

- Don’t take bullshit. I spoke about most things you should avoid. However, at the same time don’t feel as you need to put with shit. For instance:

If you go on a date and a girl spends her entire time talking about her ex-boyfriend. Unfortunately, this sometimes happens. Then tell her to stop and change to another topic.

In case, a girl is being rude then put her in her place.

Everything I mentioned here, works for both sides. You should never be afraid to lose a girl in order to protect your self-respect. Because if a girl doesn't respect you, then you can be damn sure that she won’t ever like you.

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  • anna englert 1 years ago

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